Dr. Vivek Agrawal's Neurospine Clinic

Dr Vivek Mahesh Agrawal is one of the young and dynamic Neurosurgeon in Nagpur and widely known for his work in Vidarbha, in the field of brain and spine surgery. He has completed M.Ch (Neurosurgery) from B. J. Medical College And Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad. M.S (Gen. Surgery) from NHL Municiple Medical College and V.S. Hospital, Ahmedabad and MBBS from Nagpur.
- Member Of Neurological Society Of India.
- Member Of Maharashtra Chapter Of Neurological Society.
- Member Of Nagpur Neuro Society Of India.
- Member Of Indian Medical Association.
- Member Of AO Spine.

General Surgery Training : Dr. Vivek Agrawal got selected for M.S. General surgery through all India post graduate medical entrance exams held in 2007. He also completed 3 years of residency in General surgery at NHL Municipal Medical College and V.S.A hospital which is 2nd largest General Hospital in Ahmedabad, under the guidance of prof. Dr. Ajay Munshi. During his Residency in general surgery, Dr. V.Agrawal participated in daily rounds and in patient care indoors as well as in the ICU. Rotation in all the Super Specialty Dept. (NEUROSURGERY, CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY, UROSURGERY, as well as in pediatric surgery). Dr. Vivek Agrawal done hydrocele, inguinal hernioplasty, appendiectomy, cholecystectomy, gastric perforation repair independently. Dr. Agrawal also performed emergency surgeries like laporotomy for stab, trauma, resection anastomosis, assistedwhipple’s triple bypass, abdomino-peroneal resection as well as anterior resection. Dr. V.Agrawal had also assisted in all the super–speciality departments.
– Neurosurgery Training : Dr Vivek Agrawal was selected for MCH Course through the gujarat superspeciality enterence exam and he had opted for neurosurgery in B.J. Medical College and Civil Hospital under the guidance of professor Dr. Harshil C Shah. Civil Hospital is the largest Govt. Hospital in Gujarat State with all the mordern facilities available. Dept of neurosurgery is the only govt. run dept in the Gujarat State with patients coming not only from Gujarat but also from Rajasthan, MP, UP as well as from part of Maharashtra. Right from beginning he was involved in the managing all of road traffic accident patients and started performing trauma cases like extradural haemorrage, subdural haemorrage, depressed fracture as well as basic neurosurgical procedures like VP shunt insertion, Ommaya insertion, Chronic SDH as well as decompressive craniotomy. After completing his 1st year of residency, He started assisting major cranial cases like brain sol including CP angle tumours, ventricular tumours, Spinal tumours, CV junction anomalies, Vascular cases like aneurySM, arterio venous malformation. endoscopic surgeries like endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary tumour excision, endoscopic third ventriculostomy. When entered final year. He started doing superficial gliomas, meningiomas, acm, endoscopic third ventriculostomy, spinal tumours, laminectomy etc. Dr. Vivek Agarwal also had experience with latest neurosurgical instruments like pentero micorscope, intra op usg, brain lab (frameless neuro-navigation), carl zeiss endoscope and midas rex high speed drill. He had also presented a paper, as well as a poster in national radiology conference in 2013.
– Post MCH Experience He had worked as a Senior Resident in Kota Medical College and Hospital, Kota, Rajasthan, India, from august 2014 to december 2014.
Then he started working as an Assistant Professor in PT J.N.M. Medical College and Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Hospital, Raipur, Chhatisgarh, India from January 2015 to August 2015. He also had worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of neurosurgery in Govt Medical College and super speciality Hospital, Nagpur from october 2015 to october 2017. During the post MCH period, I have performed independently major surgeries including aneurysm clipping, acoustic schwannoma, fourth ventricular tumour excision, endoscopic pituitary tumour excision, endoscopic colloid cyst excision, craniopharyngioma, spinal fixation(tlif/plif), anterior cervical dissectomy with fixation, lateral mass fixation etc.Completed fellowhhip programme in neuroendoscopy under Dr. Y.R. Yadav, HOD and Professor, department of neurosurgery, Jabalpur Medical College and Hospital.
1. Paper On “Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy: A Study Of 25 Pediatric Patients” At Annual Conference Held By ISPR, Ahmedabad (2013).
2. Poster On “A Rare Case Of Hypothalamic Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma In a 12 Year Female Child” At Annual Conference Held By ISPR, Ahmedabad (2013)
3. Poster On “Dual Chronic Ossified Epidural Hematomas Presented With Seizures 23 Years After Head Injury In An Adult Male” VSACON 2017.
1. Dual Chronic Ossified Epidural Hematoma Presented With Seizures 23 Years After Head Injury In An Adult Male-Case Report. Indian Journal Of Neurotrauma. 2018.
2. Tuberculosis: A Common Infection With Rare Presentation, Isolated Sellar Tuberculoma With Panhypopituitarism. Journal Of Neurosciences In Rural Practice. 2019.
3. Largest Intracranial Calcified Hydatid Cyst: A Case Report With Review Of Literature. Asian Journal Of Neurosurgery. 2020.